Scientific Eating Habits

Eat lots of vegetables
One of the scientific eating habits recommended by doctors is to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Girls should try to eat 2½ cups of green vegetables (about 850g) and 2 cups of fruit (about 680g) per day, for a diet containing 2,000 calories. If your girlfriend consumes more calories, eat more fruits and vegetables and vice versa. In addition, girls should also include green, orange, red, purple and yellow vegetables in their menu. The nutrients, fiber, and other compounds in these foods may help protect you against certain types of cancer and other diseases.

Eat lots of fish and nuts
Nuts, fatty fish, avocados and vegetable oils are good sources of healthy unsaturated fats. Recent studies show that these foods, although high in calories, do not contribute to weight gain. It's best for girls to use them in place of other high-calorie foods, such as using olive or canola oil instead of butter. In addition, fatty fish helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and provides other benefits, largely because they are high in omega-3 unsaturated fats.

Drink a lot of water
Water accounts for 60% of body weight, and girls' bodies lose water quickly through daily activities. A scientific eating habit requires you to consume about 2.2 liters of water per day. In addition to rehydrating the body, drinking plenty of water can prevent overeating, provide energy and nourish healthy skin, and even help with good digestion.

Cut down on animal fats
Saturated fat, especially from red and processed meat, increases the amount of LDL cholesterol that is harmful to the body. Therefore, girls should limit their consumption of these foods, and at the same time, choose to buy lean meat, skinless poultry and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. In addition, you should also replace saturated fats with beneficial fats, often found in nuts, fish and vegetable oils.

Limit refined foods and foods high in sugar
Girls should limit refined foods such as white bread, pasta and most fast foods because they have little or no fiber and have been stripped of many nutrients. Additionally, you should not consume foods that contain a lot of sugar, such as soda and candy. These are sources of calories that are not beneficial to the body and contribute to weight gain.

Hopefully the suggestions in this article will help girls build a scientific eating habit for themselves!


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